





An online submission and voting system has been set up for video collection. Contestants should submit their works through the official online channels and fill in the application form.

①Submission: All contestants should submit video files together with the Short Video Competition Application Form

②Application: Contestants can apply for the competition in groups or as individuals. Group works should be initially screened within the group or institution, and selected works should be uploaded through the designated application link (see Application Form for details). Individual works should be directly uploaded through the designated application link, together with the Application Form.

③Name of file: Each video should be uploaded in a single file and named in the form of “Location + Name of Submitting Unit + Name of the team leader + Title of the Work” (Name of Submitting Unit is excluded for individual work names).

The name of the Application Form file should be consistent with that of the video file.

Deadline for application:24:00, March 20, 2022 (BJT)

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