本次活动以“相约冬奥·i Beijing——爱上北京的100个理由”为主题,主要面向外籍专家、外企雇员、外国留学生、外籍自媒体人士、外籍冰雪运动员及冬奥爱好者等,广泛征集短视频作品,通过国际传播视角,一方面对外展现北京魅力,讲述北京故事,塑造北京形象,助力北京全国文化中心和国际交往中心的建设;另一方面充分感受冬奥氛围,为北京冬奥会和冬残奥会注入更多向上的拼搏力量。

  第二届“爱上北京的100个理由”主题短视频征集大赛最终将在投稿作品中评选出冬奥元素丰富、具有代表性的100部优秀作品,汇编成本次“相约冬奥·i Beijing——爱上北京的100个理由”短视频征集大赛的优秀作品集,进行译制,并在海内外社交媒体等平台传播推广,进一步扩大活动传播力、影响力、覆盖面。

With “100 Reasons To Love Beijing” as the theme, the short video competition aims to collect short videos from foreigners to share their stories with Beijing and their expectations for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics. From the global perspective, the world can see Beijing’s charm and listen to its story, and feel the ardor of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics.

The second “100 Reasons To Love Beijing” Short Video Competition will select 100 outstanding short videos that tell the best stories of Beijing and the Winter Olympics and Paralympics. The translated version of the videos will be popularized through both domestic and international social media platforms.

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